If you have ever taken an electric motor apart, then you will know that there are many pieces in a small setup which strive to do whatever it takes effectively and properly provide the expected function. And one of these components is known as slot wedge. The slot wedge goes into the obvious slots in motor. Its purpose is that to keep the wires inplace for all of them working well.
Placing a slot wedges was time-consuming and tough job in past days. Workers had to do this laborious work by hand which required an enormous amount of time. But now the insertion of slot wedges has become much quicker and it is all down to new machines specifically designed for this task. This way of working can also make tasks more automated and faster to be completed by any worker.
But when you are in this motor-making business, I am sure that people like us would certainly want a nice and systematic channel for the same. More efficient production allows you to work better and make higher-quality goods. This is the place you need your slot wedge machines. Hence, they are meant to essentially streamline the process.
These high-frequency machines can greatly simplify the process of slot wedge insertion, minimizing manual labour. It also saves time, as well as making sure that every single motor is built to the same level of quality. If every single motor is the same, this makes life easier for all manufacturers involved.
This is great because the new slot wedge machines are accurate as a bobcat. They use technology that is sophisticated enough to be smart and check the right size and shape of each slot in your motor. The consequence of this is that when the slot wedge is inserted, it can only be done in such a way that it fits exactly.
So, a perfect fit is really essential. If slot wedge does not fit rightly, it can create a long list problems like wire fracture chances; degrade the performance of motor and even headaches with electrical issues. With a slot wedge insertion machine you can easily end these problems and will make sure that every motor being created in your factory is of high quality.
Slot wedge machine is an example of the same, which can really help for you to manufacture more motors fast with good maintainence on quality. Speed, accuracy and reliability are at the core of these machines That's a long way to say that you can apply the efficiency gains in order to make more motors faster, all while maintaining constant quality.
company has retained more 20 researchers and experts, trained array of slot wedge insertion machine professional technical backbones. is a highly-tech business situated in Zhejiang Province, China. Patents issued by the company are protected under independent intellectual property rights. after sales department provides an unbeatable 24 hours of service for customers.
firm is a reputable maker of brushless motors/BLDC well as universal motors. These used for new energy vehicles, household appliance, industrial motors such as water pump motors, or servo motors. most efficient winding machine slot wedge insertion machine with robot technology produce an automated manufacturing that allows motor mass production reality.
Zhengma Technology a manufacturer motor winding equipment. They committed to offering customers quality coil winding stator automatic production equipment produce high-quality efficient motors. The company's products customers slot wedge insertion machine the production lines for motors, which increase productivity yield rate to production levels mass production.
business focuses motor winding machines more than 17 years of R D production experience. collaborates several well-known motor and electric vehicle manufacturers customized automation equipment solutions that outstanding stability as well as safety, efficiency effectiveness. Zhengma's winding machine slot wedge insertion machine by PLC adjusts parameters based winding conditions.
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